

Man, It really is too bad that I actually like the song Cruel Summer otherwise there would be no redemption for these hacks.
So alright, I know that A LOT of people did A LOT of thing that they regret in the eighties...but c'mon! I was watching VH1 Classics this afternoon, whilst trying to get some computing done, when suddenly comes the video for Banaramas (not really Banaramas) Venus.
Let me share with you now some vid captures:

--Nice dance, asshole

--More awful dancing, from an even bigger asshole

...And my personal fav:

--Scary Pawing... ROAAAAR!

As I see it, these "nappy-headed ho's" dont have the right to emote with such frivolity to a song and lyrics which arent actually their own. Sure, cover songs are fine, and can be fun; but a certain amount of respect, I feel, should be payed to the original artist.
The song was originally written by '60s band Shocking Blue (one of my fav's). They did NOTHING to deserve this injustice. Just look how much cooler they looked in all their authenticity:

I put this right up there with ORGY covering New Orders Blue Monday

and POWER STATION (a "supergroup" comprised of robert palmer, among others) covering Get it on (bang a gong) by T-Rex

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Blogger Unknown said...

I was just ranting to someone about Bananarama the other day. They completely ripped off Madonna's style, too.

And! I posted a blog yesterday with Japanther covering Sour Grapes "Pacific NW."

Great minds, my friend.

7:48 PM  

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