

Ah, yes. Simpler days. Before Christian Bale was a serial killer and starved himself to death for roles.

I thought about this movie, which has got to be in my top ten favorite movies of all time, because I saw the female version of Spot Conlon on the train this morning. She even had a newsboy cap on. I see these kind of lookalikes all over the place. Like that time that I saw the african-american James. These people are out there. One time I saw a little kid who was asian and looked just like Jay. You think I'm crazy but it happens! Look, in a city of 8 million people you are bound to run into the mexican version of your mom.

Who's Spot Conlon you ask? Why, he's the hot, tough newsie from the SCARY borough Brooklyn. Apparently, there is a huge newsie cult following that includes the person that made this Spot Conlon tribute video and posted it on youtube:

Ok, now I feel like a pedofile for saying he's hot. Whatevs. I was in high school when this movie came out. At least my youtube account name is not "NewsiesIsLife" "IrisConlon" or my personal favorite "Spotsgoil".


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